The “Enchantress” Collection
History shows that mankind has always been fascinated by the feminine Divine. In my series, I flip the script and force the viewer to look past the glorious facade of external beauty. Framed in elegance and staring fiercely outward, these “enchantresses” are hiding a dark secret within. I urge you to look away from the eyes so you can really see past them and into the soul of these works. Join me on a journey inside the emotions often hidden behind the veil of the fairy tale femme fatale.

Have you ever smiled through the pain?
Been embarrassed to cry?
Pretended to be someone else?
What are you hiding?
You are not alone…
The Full Series
This series was started in 2023 and completed in 2024. The collection includes 5 paintings; 24 x 36 Oil on Canvas
Here is a studio shot of this series in progress (among other paintings I worked on simultaneously) Despite the sloppy presentation, this photograph has a special place in my heart. It brings me back to a very painful and transformative chapter of my life. I love the raw energy of this moment in time I was able to capture. When life gets tough, I know I can always find peace by escaping into a new world inside of my art.
Behind the Process
- Emotional Development
- I have a great appreciation for the beauty of women and have been enjoying painting this subject matter for years!
- I had completed an earlier series of paintings in a similar style in 2020 and felt as though I had some unfinished business to take care of.
- I obtained my Fine Art, Digital Media Associates Degree at San Diego Mesa College in 2013. After years away from academia, in 2022, I was drawn back in to school with a desire for more knowledge and to be surrounded by other creatives.
- I was pleasantly surprised when enrolling in more painting classes, that Professor Robert Sanchez was teaching the courses. I had taken his class about a decade prior, and was excited to be in his studio again.
- Over the course of the semester, I was instructed to complete a series of five paintings and wanted to create a captivating collection of enchanting women. Although I knew I wanted to have a bit of a darker, spooky feel for these paintings, I didn’t expect such an emotionally jarring collection to unfold the way it did.
- Through the course of working on this series, my mother fell ill and I had to take a pause on the project to be there with her and my family in her final days. I ended up missing several weeks of classes and stepping away from tattooing and painting. I flew to New Jersey to practically live on a couch; slowly watching my mom fade away from me. This was the toughest time of my life and played a significant role in the magnification of the suffering feeling behind these paintings.
- Overcome with grief and trying to get back into the swing of a normal routine, the latter sessions on these pieces were incredibly emotional for me. I was able to work through a lot; sitting down with each canvas and escaping my own feelings kept me motivated to create art and avoid falling into a dark depression.
- I was not ready to go back to tattooing full time, despite the fact I was scraping by to pay the bills because of all the time I had taken off. I built a relationship with the women pictured in this series. We all cried together, and I feel like we all grieved together. I immortalized a severe sadness behind each woman’s empty stare.
- Sometimes I know what I want to paint, but the emotional intention and energy expressed can transform throughout the creative process. This series is the greatest evidence of that.
- More information will be provided for each individual painting. I hope you enjoy this series and can feel something and look inside yourself from viewing these pieces.

Take a Journey
I urge you to look away from the eyes. I know that they are pulling you in, but trust me, don’t look at them just yet. Let them gaze at you, but do not look back. I want you to take a journey through the beauty of all that surrounds these eyes.
- First explore and appreciate the rolling arcs and smooth curves of the ornamental framework and wrought iron architecture.
- Let your eyes travel through the timeless gothic windows and imagine a portal through time and space.
- Ride the waves of hair and brush up against the smooth skin.
For each painting, try and connect with “her” as though you are standing face to face. She draws you in. Imagine her moist plump lips against your own. Does she want this connection or is she reluctantly accepting your touch as to not disappoint?
Now feel the cool shadows surrounding her eyes which are masked behind layers of cosmetic defense. Painted armor shielding against others being able to easily catch a glimpse into the fragility and despair she wishes would just go away.
A splinter of light warms the faces sparingly. Illuminating highlights from the sun shine down on these women who are living in darkness.
Only now do I want you to look at the eyes.
Now what do you feel?